Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy Reasons Why PRP Therapy Is Used in Medicine

High Profile Therapy

PRP therapy injections got some popular buzz after athletes began using this treatment option to help with their sports-related injuries. 

Convenient Resource

Every patient has a blood supply that can be utilized for this type of therapy treatment. Our blood comprised of proteins that regulate new growth allowing your body to heal, PRP therapy relies on these platelets to speed up the healing process which is conveniently located within our bodies.

Natural Healing

PRP therapy injections are comprised of a high concentration of extracted platelets rich in plasma which promotes an increase in the number of reparative cells that flood the target area. PRP injections make sense in that it aids in giving the body more of its natural resource in a concentrated setting to reduce pain, swelling, stiffness, and promote healing.

Simple Process

Patients only have to donate their blood to consider PRP therapy treatments. This simple process takes only a couple of vials to be processed in a centrifuge to separate the blood into various categories. 

Regenerative Therapy for Joint Pain

There are multiple areas of the body that PRP injections can help. Joint pain caused by arthritis, osteoarthritis, an injury, or the natural process of aging is a prime target for PRP therapy. 

A Precise Treatment

With guided fluoroscopy or ultrasound technology, PRP therapy injections can be precisely given at the site of an injured or damaged joint, bone or soft tissue, tendon, ligament, or disc. 

Quick Procedure

PRP injections typically only take about 30 minutes. This quick and easy procedure allows patients to return to work or other normal daily activities immediately after the treatment. There may be some slight swelling or soreness at the injection site but it will only last a few days.

Low-Risk Factors

One of the great benefits of this type of treatment is that no general anesthesia is required. A local anesthetic will be used to allow for minimal discomfort. Another great aspect of PRP therapy treatment is the low-risk factors

The Results Are In

Studies have shown definitive tissue repair is present after PRP therapy treatments. Complete pain relief and chronic pain can be significantly reduced. Often patients will need multiple injections every 2-3 months to optimize the results.