General Surgery Services

General surgery is a surgical specialty providing expertise in a variety of areas most commonly relating to the abdominal organs including the upper and lower (colorectal) gastrointestinal system.

Nature of the work

General surgery encompasses a broad range of surgery which includes:

  • surgical conditions of the gastrointestinal tract from the esophagus to the anus
  • breast conditions
  • kidney, pancreas, and liver transplantation
  • trauma to the abdomen and thorax
  • certain skin conditions
  • initial assessment of patients with peripheral vascular disease
  • general surgery of childhood
  • elective surgery is also an important part of the work

Services offered by our consultant general surgeon are:

Outpatient Procedures:

  • Complete assessment of Colorectal diseases by:
    • Full clinical assessment
    • Endoscopic examination
    • Pelvic floor ultrasound for the diagnosis of chronic pain, constipation, and pelvic organ prolapse
    • Motility studies, AnorectalManometry, and Rectal sensation and compliance.
    • High resolution 3D pelvic floor physiological studies
    • Bowel function X-Rays (defecography)
  • Outpatient treatment of piles, including laser, radiofrequency, cryotherapy, band ligation and other methods of painless treatment.
  • Outpatient treatment of anal fissures and some fistulas by most up to date methods including fistula plugs, endoscopic treatment, and others.
  • Outpatient treatment of faecalincontinence applying most up to date techniques like gatekeeper and Injection of bulking agents
  • Multidisciplinary assessment of overweight patients
  • Posterior Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS) for treatment of urinary and faecal incontinence, functional constipation and other pelvic floor disorders.
  • Sacral Nerve Stimulation for treatment of Chronic constipation, chronic pelvic pain, urinary incontinence, faecal incontinence and pelvic floor disorders.
  • Ultrasound guided biopsies of masses, including breast, abdominal and thyroid masses.
  • Ultrasound guided drainage of cysts and abscess including intra-abdominal collections.

Endoscopic Procedures:

  • Diagnostic and therapeutic Upper GI endoscopy including treatment of bleeding ulcers and varices, excision of polyps, dilatation of strictures (narrowing of gullet) and insertion of stents for benign and malignant conditions
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic lower GI endoscopy (colonoscopy) including screening for cancer, removal of polyps by various tech techniques (SMR, ESD etc…), dilatation of benign and malignant strictures and insertion of Expandable Metallic Stents
  • Outpatient endoscopy as Rigid Sigmoidoscopy, Flexible sigmoidoscopy and trans-cavitary biopsies.
  • Trans-anal ultrasound for assessment of anal sphincters, chronic anal pain, recurrent and complex anal fistulas.
  • Trans-rectal ultrasound for the staging of rectal tumours, benign and malignant (cancer staging)
  • Endoscopic treatment of intestinal obstruction including volvulus, strictures and cancer.
  • Endoscopic treatment of morbid obesity

Major Surgical Procedures:

  • Gallbladder Surgery: including Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Exploration of Common Bile Duct, and Partial Excision of the gallbladder. Corrective surgery of complications after cholecystectomy as Hepaticojejunostomy and bypass procedures.
  • All Types of Hernia Surgery, open, day surgery, Laparoscopic.
  • All Major abdominal surgery, small bowel, gastric and duodenal ulcers included.
  • All types of abdominal Colorectal Surgery, mainly Laparoscopic (Keyhole). The following list is an example, but not exhaustive:
  • All types of hemi colectomies; right, left and segmental colectomies
  • Anterior resection of rectum for benign and malignant (cancer) diseases.
  • Rectopexy (fixation of rectum for prolapse).
  • Surgery of Inflammatory Bowel Disease including Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. These operations include creation of Ileal Pouch for ulcerative colitis.
  • All types of pelvic floor surgery, including Rectocele, Rectal Prolapse and pelvic organ prolapse surgery.
  • Laparoscopic Surgery for Obesity and Metabolic Disorders, mainly sleeve gastrectomy, R Y Gastric Bypass, and Mini- Gastric Bypass.

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