Lower back pain is a common cause for visits to the doctor in Dubai.

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), low back pain is the most common cause of job-related disability. At least 80 percent of Americans will experience low back pain in their lifetime.

Book an appointment with Dr Hadel Radwan | Physical Therapist | BSc. MSc. PhD

Physiotherapy is one of the most widely used forms of treatment adopted for gaining relief from low back pain. It is used in both modes, as a single line of treatment as well as in combination with other treatments such as massage, heat, traction, ultrasound or short wave diathermy.

The human back is basically a highly complex system of series of interlocking elements including the vertebrae, discs, facet joints, ligaments, and muscles. Owing to such a complex structure, an episode of back pain needs a strong physiotherapy-based assessment and rehabilitation program, once the basic medication course has been undertaken.

Low back pain can be broadly classified into four main categories:

  1. Musculoskeletal – mechanical (including muscle strain, muscle spasm, or osteoarthritis); herniated nucleus pulposus, herniated disk; spinal stenosis; or compression fracture
  2. Inflammatory –arthritis including ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease
  3. Malignancy – bone metastasis from lung, breast, prostate, thyroid, among others
  4. Infectious – osteomyelitis; abscess

We have briefly listed the key aspects of the role of physiotherapy in the management of lower back pain:

  1. Advice and early activity – There is significant evidence to prove that encouraging early movement in case of lower back pain is one of the most significant aspects of treatment in this condition.
  2. Mobilization or Manipulative physiotherapy – This aspect concentrates on promoting mobilization of the specific affected area. The approach of manipulative physiotherapy is used to target the specific point of pain for the purpose.
  3. Specific stabilization exercises – In this aspect of physiotherapy, stress is laid on improving the strength and stability of the muscles which have been weakened due to the lower back pain.
  4. General exercises and stretches – A series of properly structured exercises and stretches are usually carried out in the context of the patient’s individual condition and cause of the lower back pain.
  5. Ergonomic advice – Since work-related hazards account for more than 65% of lower back problems, physiotherapists also concentrate on providing accurate ergonomic device, guiding the patient on using the appropriate infrastructure at work to avoid and cure lower back pain.
  6. Postural guidelines – This aspect of physiotherapy focuses on guiding the patient about the correct postural habits and ways to maintain an accurate posture to avoid lower back pain.

Should you need additional information or would you like to make an appointment with our physical therapist – Please email us at physio@westminsterclinic.ae

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